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Trip Length : 8 Days

Location : Xian, Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Zhongdian, Kunming


Spring city of Kunming, Stone Forest in Lunan, traditional architecture complex of Bai minority in Daili, tranquil Lijiang old town, mysterious remote land of Shangri-La (Zhongdian).

From US$

Trip Length : 5 Days

Location : Lijiang


Carrying a bag, walking among people in different colors of skin and speaking different languages, you are at the Tiger-leaping Gorge, the world famous place for people to travel on foot.

From US$

Trip Length : 4 Days

Location : Lijiang


Lijiang, which has been classified as a "National Town of History and Culture", is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest Yunnan Plateau. Its architecture is noteworthy for the blending of elements from several cultures that have come together over many centuries.

From US$

Trip Length : 7 Days

Location : Hong Kong, Kunming, Dali, Lijiang


Visit Stone Forest, 89 kilometers from Kunming. Take the time machine back to ancient town of Dali, chase Joseph Rock's foot to undevelepted Suhe Town and Yuhu village, the place where this old man stayed for 27 years. The stormy Tiger Leaping Gorge tells you all the stories.

From US$

Trip Length : 10 Days

Location : Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Zhongdian


Enjoy the natural beauty of Shangri-La, her gorgeous snow mountains, valleys and sky.

Enjoy hiking through the Tiger Leaping Gorge and across the lofty upsteam of Yangtze River.

Enjoy exploration at the old towns: Dali & Lijiang, know about Bai Ethnic, Naxi Ethnic and Tibetan custom and culture.

From US$

Trip Length : 12 Days

Location : Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Zhongdian, Deqin, Zhongdian


Marvel at several most famous mountains in Shangri-La - Meili Snow Mountain, Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Haba Snow Mountain.

Have an insightful hiking through the Tiger Leaping Gorge.

Enjoy exploration at the old towns: Dali & Lijiang, know about Bai Ethnic, Naxi Ethnic and Tibetan custom and culture.

From US$

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