Qinghai Cuisine

Province:Qinghai (Chinese: 青海, Pinyin:Qīnghǎi)
Population :5,390,000
Area :721,000 square km (278,000 sq mile)
Overview:Qinghai is located on the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. The top attraction is Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in China.
Qinghai is an exceptionally diverse place with a population comprised of several different minority groups, so it's natural that you'll find a similar level of diversity in your dining experience. You'll find all of the great culinary traditions of China represented here, but the local flavor reflects a marked Mustlim influence with a wide selection of noodles, mutton dishes and various flatbreads.
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Try Mian Pian while in Xinning, these square flat noodles are delicious. Noodles in a beef broth are great on a cold day. Xining boasts many excellent lamb dishes, but perhaps the most the most famous are Shouzhua Yangrou, a boiled mutton that you eat with your hands and Huangmen Yangrou, a spicy mutton fried with potatoes and vegetables. For a good snack try the mutton kebabs, stalls selling these can be found everywhere. Don't forget to try the local yogurt, its got there.
Must try

Mutton-Eaten-with-Hands is a famous local delicacy of the Qinghai grasslands. It is not only a restaurant dish but also the staple food of the herdsmen. Although the mutton does not need to be cut or fried, this dish still has a special color, fragrance, taste and form. When you visit the grasslands in the autumn, the hospitable herdsmen will pick a fat sheep for you, kill it in large chunks, and in about half an hour, the lamb will be ready to eat.
Niangpi (Flour Peel)
As one of the special local snack of Qinghai, Niangpi has its own characteristics. With special seasoning, Niangpi, golden yellow in color, is spicy, refreshing, sour and richly fragrant, which will arouse pleasant feelings on the tongue. It may serve as staple food or a dish. You can taste it at any time when you visit Qinghai.

Lamb Kebabs
Lamb Kebabs are made of fresh lamb.They are not only delicious, but also nutritious and easy to digest.So this local cuisine become the popular food in every hotel and restaurant. Qinghai is rich in lamb, and the Lamb Kebabs are cheap, delicious and easy to make, so they became very popular here.