Qinghai Attractions

Province:Qinghai (Chinese: 青海, Pinyin:Qīnghǎi)
Population :5,390,000
Area :721,000 square km (278,000 sq mile)
Overview:Qinghai is located on the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau. The top attraction is Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in China.
Qinghai Top Attractions

Qinghai Lake
Qinghai Lake, "a blue sea" in Mongolian and Tibetan, is the largest inland salt lake in China with an area of 4,500sq.km and an altitude of 3,195m , after which Qinghai Province was named.......more

Ta'er Lamasery
Standing in an imposing manner according to the gradient of the mountain, the Ta'er Lamasery is a wonderful architectural complex that embraces 9,300 structures......more

Xining Great Mosque
The Great Mosque of Xining is one the four largest mosques in northwest China and is the largest and most important mosque in the Qinghai Province.......more