Xiamen Tourism

City Name:Xiamen (Chinese:厦门, Pinyin: Xiamen)
Population :around 360,000
Location :Xiamen is surrounded by ocean on three sides, and faces Taiwan Straight.
Overview:Xiamen, the second biggest city in Fujian Province, has a fitting nickname: "Garden on the Sea."
Tucked away in China's southeast coastal area, Xiamen, the second biggest city in Fujian Province, has a fitting nickname: "Garden on the Sea."
Xiamen is surrounded by ocean on three sides, and faces Taiwan straight across. Between the azure sky and aqua sea with its long beaches are mountain villas hidden by green trees. It's no wonder the city has been called the "best residence in China."
Organic and Mystical
Exotic flowers, rock gardens and rare herbs cover the lush landscape of Xiamen. The Wanshi Botanical Garden in the southwest corner of the city consists of 20 sub-gardens and planting areas like Pine and China Fur Garden, Rose Garden, Palm Garden, Arbor, Introduced Variety Area, Medical Herb Garden, Large-scale Cactus Garden, and Orchid Nursery, where 3,000 tropical and subtropical plants are nurtured.
Lying at the foot of Five Old Men Hill, "Wulaofeng," is the South Putuo Temple, which enshrines Avalokitesvara, the Goddess of Mercy. A magnificent structure, the temple includes the Hall of Heavenly Kings, the Shrine of Sakyamuni Buddha, Hall of Great Mercy, and Tripitaka Pavilion, all hidden by lush trees and wreathed in incense smoke. Because the Bodhisattva is believed to answer prayers, the temple attracts a large number of visitors year round. On the 19th day of the second, sixth, and ninth lunar months, big celebrations are held when incense is burnt and obeisances made in prayers for health and fortune.
Even at the beach, there's a huge lighted sign – think the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles – that simply states "One Country Two Systems One China." (Source: CRI)