Qingdong Mausoleum

Tanglin is a rare treasure land. North is the Changrui Hill, South is Jinxing Mountain, Yingbi mountain is in the middle. The west and east are both beautiful mountains. Two big rivers across above about. The whole scenery is really a beatiful mapwith numerable mountains and rivers around. In the early time, emperor shunzhi go hunting in this area, and was deeply shocked by its unique beauty.As a result, the Mausoleum was built here as a place to celebrate the emperor's birthday. Since then, the Mausoleum will be a large-scale, breathtaking view.
The constructer of the Qingdong Mausoleum is very grand and magnificent. There are totally 580 single constructures consist the wonderful archtectuer. Need to be mentioned, there exists the widest monument in china and the best preservedmaster road (6000m long) The buddist sculpture is really a wonder.