Barrier Gate

  • Province:
    Macau (Chinese: 澳门 , Pinyin: Ao Men)
  • Population :
  • Area :
    32.8square km (426 square mile)
  • Overview:
    Macau is the real deal when it comes to East meets West style. It's mixture of East and West brings together an eclectic mix of Old World Europe and the Orient in one beautiful.

Barrier Gate also known as Portas do Cerco, is one of the chief tourist attractions in Macau. Now the site is maintained as a park. In the stone walls of the gate, there is a quote that "Honor your country for your country is watching you", which is from Sun Yat-sen who is praised as the father of Chinese nationalism.


Barrier Gate

Barrier Gate witnesses the development of Macau. Erected in 1870, it was made of granite stones. The Barrier Gate Square with fountains at the centre is surrounded by green plants. The blue tiles at the side walls together with the poem of the Portuguese Poet, Camoes depict the history of Macau.


Now, with the new underground terminal, it is convenient for people to trip to Zhuhai. And passengers can reach the Barrier Gate Square through the linked escalator, elevator and stair case.




Ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral
Ruins of St. Paul's was built in 1602. Made of taipa and wood, the church was brilliantly decorated and furnished, according to early travelers.