Festivals of Dong Ethnic People

dong ethnic singers


Dong festivals are held throughout each year, providing mang good opportunities for young men and women to meet one another, and for friends and relatives to be reunited. Various activities are held such as singing contests, dances, music, plays, ox fights, bird fights and sometimes religious ceremonies.



New Year Festival

The Lunar New Year is the biggest festival in the Dong area. In Sanjian, Liping and Congjiang counties, the Dong hold commemorative activities to honor their "Grandmother".   ......know more



Sanyuesan Festival

Participating in festivel activities are traditional steps for young people towards courtship and marriage. According to custom, several weeks before an important festival, village elders and their young men go to several nearby villages to invite the unmarried girls to attend. The Sanyuesan Festival is on the third day of the third lunar month of every tear.   ......know more



On the eve of the festival , the young men come to the villages of the invited women with flutes and drums, and bring them back to gather in their village's drum tower. After a rich feast, the young boys and girls sit in parallel rows facing one another under the eyes of their elders and get to know one another by spontaneously singing to each other. Until dawn, traditional songs mingle with the playing of flutes and stringed instruments.



The next morning, dressed in their finest women and embroidered clothing, and adorned with handmade silver bangles, the women meet together in their own village drum tower to wait. From the other village, the young men deliberately walk back and forth three times playing flutes and drums before the women are "coaxed" into accompanying them to their village for more festivities.





Must-see Villages in Guizhou and Guangxi
      Basha      Zhaoxing      Tang'An      Xijiang      Sanjiang      Longsheng     

Frequently asked questions in Guizhou

Questions and answers



TangAn Village
TangAn Village
The TangAn village is located about 6 km east of Zhaoxing, it is on the southern side of Mount Longte
The drum tower is the highest and most revered structure in the old town of Zhaoxing.
Basha Miao Village
In Guizhou, Miao ethnic in Basha village might be the only native trible who still dress in traditional clothes during their work.