//鏄剧ず灏嗘埧鍨嬬殑浠锋牸 function AiaxFunction(tr_index, pk_id, bday) { var obj; var spanct; var spanct2; if (tr_index < 10) { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl0' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } else { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } var param_url = "day=" + bday + "&tc=" + pk_id; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "tour_package_overview.ashx", data: param_url, beforeSend: function() { $("#" + obj).html("
"); }, success: function(msg) { $("#" + obj).html(msg); } }); $("#" + spanct).css("display", "none"); $("#" + spanct2).css("display", ""); } function AiaxFunctioncoles(tr_index) { var obj; var spanct; var spanct2; if (tr_index < 10) { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl0' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } else { obj = 'gv_summary_ctl' + tr_index + '_lbl_price'; spanct = 'span_ct' + tr_index; spanct2 = 'span_ct2' + tr_index; } $("#" + obj).html(''); $("#" + spanct).css("display", ""); $("#" + spanct2).css("display", "none"); } function isEmail(vEMail) { //鍒ゆ柇鏄惁鏄悎娉曢偖浠跺湴鍧€,鍚堟硶杩斿洖 true, 涓嶅悎娉曡繑鍥?false var regInvalid = /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/; var regValid = /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; return (!regInvalid.test(vEMail) && regValid.test(vEMail)); } function btnSend() { if ($('#txtName').val() == '') { $("#name_error").html("Please input name"); return false; } if ($('#txtEmail').val() == '') { $("#email_error").html('Please input email!'); return false; } else { if (!isEmail($('#txtEmail').val())) { $("#email_error").html('Email format is error!'); return false; } } if (jQuery.trim($('#textareaQuestion').val().replace(' ', '')) == '' || $('#textareaQuestion').val() == 'please write down your requirement, we will plan and reply to you as soon as possible.') { $("#question_error").html('Please input enquiry!'); return false; } }

Beijing Nanshan Ski Resort Tour

Duration: 3 Days
Departure date:
As You Prefer
Tour code:

Tour Highlights

Do you want to experience a ski holiday with your family or friends in China, to enjoy white snow view? We've got it all covered for you in advance. A unique leisure and recreation experience will be taken in Nanshan Ski Resort winter days.

Quick View

Day  1  Beijing  

We will leave for Nanshan Ski Resort, 62 KM away from Beijing. Please package your luggage, you would spend two nights at the hotel in Nanshan Ski Resort. Our tour guide would assist you in checking in and guide for your skiing there. Then the guide see you off. The rest of the day is skiing on your own.

Day  2  Beijing   (B)

Ski in Nanshan Ski Resort on your own (without guide and driver service). Today's all meals also is on your own.

Day  3  Beijing   (B)

Half day ski in the morning. Lunch is on your own. Our tour guide will pick you up in the afternoon and drive back to Beijing.

Package Details

Tour Package Includes:

-- 2 nights accommodations at Shirton Inn in Nanshan Ski Resort. 
-- Private land transfers by air-conditioned company coach.
-- All entrance fees of attractions mentioned in the itinerary.
-- Rental fee of Ski suits, boots, poles, closet, lift passes.
-- Meals as mentioned in the itinerary "B" stands for American breakfast, "L" for Chinese Lunch in local restaurant. "D" for Chinese dinner in local restaurant.

Tour Package Excludes:

-- Cable car fee if you use that for Badaling Great Wall.
-- All city transfers arriving and departing Beijing.
-- Optional tours and add-on activities in Beijing.
-- Insurance.
-- Expenditure of a personal nature, such as drinks, souvenirs, telephone bill, laundry etc.
-- Other tours & meals than mentioned in the program.
-- Gratuities to service staffs. Please read our "Tipping Policy".

Tipping Policy in China