Hongcun Village

Hongcun Village boasts a history of 800 years. Its most distinct feature is its ingenious water supply system. A stream flowing from a hillside spring behind the village runs into a ditch, and subsequently the front yard of every house.
Villagers are thoughtful and thrifty in their use of water, and have a strict timetable for each specific need. Before 7:00 am, water is used only for drinking and cooking only. From 7:00 am to 9:00 am it is for cleaning vegetables and other daily-use purposes, after which it is taken to the front yard to water livestock and wash clothes. Used water flows through the village to Yuezhao Lake, and then through another small pond into the village irrigation system.
Hongcun is shaped like a buffalo, and villagers liken its narrow winding ditches to a buffalo's intestine and the little lake and pond to its upper abdomen. The water system serves the daily needs of the villagers and also regulates its air temperature, as well as offer protection in the event of fire.